quick look windows
quick look windows

2022年6月7日—YoucandownloadQuickLookfromtheWindowsStore,whichissimplest.Ifyoucan'tusethatforwhateverreason,youcandownloaditfromGitHub ...,RunQuickLook.exe(onlynecessaryifautostartisdisabled)·Selectanyfileorfolder(ontheDesktop,inaFileExplorerwindo...

Bring Quick Look to your PC with this Windows app

2022年6月7日—YoucandownloadQuickLookfromtheWindowsStore,whichissimplest.Ifyoucan'tusethatforwhateverreason,youcandownloaditfromGitHub ...

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Bring Quick Look to your PC with this Windows app

2022年6月7日 — You can download QuickLook from the Windows Store, which is simplest. If you can't use that for whatever reason, you can download it from GitHub ...


Run QuickLook.exe (only necessary if autostart is disabled) · Select any file or folder (on the Desktop, in a File Explorer window, in an Open or Save-File ...


2024年2月5日 — With the QuickLook feature, users can view documents and images without opening them. The feature is not only for viewing documents but also for ...


QuickLook enables a very quick preview of file contents by pressing the Spacebar. Note: This app does NOT work on Windows 10 S devices.


QuickLook enables a very quick preview of file contents by pressing the Spacebar. Note: This app does NOT work on Windows 10 S devices.

QuickLook for Windows

QuickLook for Windows has 10 repositories available. Follow their code on GitHub.

QuickLook 一鍵置頂預覽影音圖文檔案,和Windows 預覽窗 ...

2022年4月23日 — 「 QuickLook 」是一款可以提升Windows 工作生產力的小工具,幫助我們用更快的效率、更多的功能去預覽各種圖片、影片、音樂(聲音)、文件,甚至壓縮 ...

Windows 10 免費應用Quick Look 讓你快速預覽各種檔案

2018年6月23日 — 這個應用基本上可以用來預覽各種檔案,包含圖片類型的.jpg、.png,至於.gif 則需要一點讀取時間後才會開啟,文件類型的Word、 Excel、Power Point 檔案等 ...


2022年6月7日—YoucandownloadQuickLookfromtheWindowsStore,whichissimplest.Ifyoucan'tusethatforwhateverreason,youcandownloaditfromGitHub ...,RunQuickLook.exe(onlynecessaryifautostartisdisabled)·Selectanyfileorfolder(ontheDesktop,inaFileExplorerwindow,inanOpenorSave-File ...,2024年2月5日—WiththeQuickLookfeature,userscanviewdocumentsandimageswithoutopeningthem.Thefeatureisnotonlyforviewingdocuments...